Hetalia Sleepover! ´∀` by Busby's Chair
Name of guest?
Alright! Sleepover at:
Greets you at the door:
How they greet you: UGH YOU!!! *tackles you in the doorway*
This guy starts flirting with you:
How does he flirt with you? "Hey ____, come here let's chat!" *looks at you with a happy face*
Someone had a little too much to drink:
What'd the drunk do? *strips down to undies and jumps out of a nearby window leaving everyone staring in disbelief*
You glance over at the kitchen and see:
They see you and: *drag you over to the dance floor and dance like there's no tomorrow*
Places sleeping bag next to yours:
They: think nothing of it and gets ready to sleep
During the night, this person:
decides to: cuddle up next to you in their sleeping bag (Busby's Chair: Looks like somebody likes youuu)
In the morning, it's time to leave. This person:
goes over to you and says their goodbyes: *throws you over their shoulder* "You're coming home with me!" ;D
Busby's Chair E-mail me at [email protected] for suggestions or tell me what you liked or disliked about the quiz (*´∀`*)