Axis Powers Hetalia Movie Party of Awesomeness! by KihonwaMarukaiteChikyuu
Favorite Movie
Axis or Allies? AxisAllies
Who invited you? Korea
What movie watching food do you eat? PASTA!
Where do you sit? On the couch
Comedy movie! Who thinks it's HILARIOUS? Romano
Who hates it? America
Horror movie! Who is scared? Belarus
Disney movie! Who thinks it'll suck? Sealand
Chance he/she ends up crying
Romance movie! Who makes a move on you? England
Who gets bored of movies? Liechtenstein
What does he/she do? Leaves the room.
Who gets mad at the person? Sealand
Action Movie! Who is excited during the car chase? China
Cliched Last Question. Who kisses you goodbye? Germany